2048 is so easy to play, you might get into the habit of tearing through games without even really paying attention to what you're doing. Take your time—there's no penalty for thinking your moves through. Predict where new tiles might appear and plan how to use them strategically, like playing chess.
To win the game, have a strategy. Without one, you'll likely not reach beyond 512. A good strategy is to always keep your highest-value tile in a corner. Choose a corner and direct all your tiles there. Surround it with the next biggest tiles to prevent it from moving. Master this, and you’ll soon reach 1024 or even win the 2048 game!
Once your highest-value tile is in the bottom-right corner, don't move it. To ensure it stays in place, always keep the bottom row filled by frequently using the down arrow. This prevents the left and right arrows from accidentally moving the highest-value tile. This is the key strategy for mastering 2048—keep the highest-value tile in a corner and don’t let it move!
Think you can master the 2048 game? Start a new game now!